Unlocking Wealth: How to Find Your Home's Feng Shui Money Corner 2024

Unlocking Wealth: How to Find Your Home's Feng Shui Money Corner 2024

In the study of feng shui, there are many methods for locating the wealth position in a home, each suited to different house structures and environments. This article will introduce you to some of the simplest methods for finding the wealth position in your home, helping you better utilize household feng shui to enhance your financial luck.

Many people are unsure of where the wealth position in their home is located. Firstly, it's important to understand that there are two types of wealth positions: the visible wealth position and the hidden wealth position.

Key Takeaways

Understanding Wealth Positions:

  • Wealth positions in a home can be categorized into visible and hidden, each with its unique significance in feng shui practice.

Methods for Finding Wealth Positions:

  • Utilize tools like feng shui compasses to accurately locate wealth positions.
  • Apply principles from ancient Chinese philosophy such as Bagua, Five Elements, Nine Palaces, and Chinese Zodiac to determine wealth positions.
  • Seek professional guidance if unfamiliar with feng shui principles.
Auspicious Objects for Wealth Enhancement:
  • Choose auspicious objects like fish tanks, gold ingots, Pixiu, calligraphy, and paintings to enhance wealth.
  • Ensure adherence to prescribed methods and feng shui rules when placing these objects.
Importance of Personal Effort and Positive Attitude:
  • While feng shui can assist in enhancing financial luck, personal efforts, wisdom, and positive attitudes towards life are crucial for overall prosperity.
  • Maintaining harmonious relationships and a healthy mindset further contributes to improving financial prospects and overall well-being.

    What is wealth position(money corner)

    1. Visible Wealth Position

    The visible wealth position refers to the corner diagonally opposite to the main entrance of the living room. This corner, seen from the entrance, is known as the "prosperous corner." There are five orientations for the visible wealth position: east, southeast, south, west, and southwest. If the main door is located in the northeast, the wealth position is in the west; if the main door is in the north, the wealth position is in the northwest. If the main door is in the west or southwest, the wealth position is in the east; if the main door is in the south, east, or southeast, the wealth position is in the south. If the main door is in the southwest or northeast, the wealth position is in the southwest.

    1. Hidden Wealth Position

    The hidden wealth position is determined based on the eight directions of the Bagua, which are the north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, and northwest. The calculation for the hidden wealth position is more complex and may not be easily determined for ordinary household feng shui, hence it's not necessary to focus too much on it.

    How to find the wealth position in your home

    1. Using a Feng Shui Compass

    A feng shui compass is a tool used by feng shui practitioners to measure directions accurately. By using it, you can precisely locate the wealth position in your home. Place the compass in a corner of your home and observe where the pointer indicates. The direction pointed to by the pointer is the wealth position. It's important to note that this method requires some knowledge of feng shui. If you're not familiar with feng shui, it's advisable to seek help from a professional.

    1. Using the Bagua to Find the Wealth Position

    The Bagua is a fundamental concept in ancient Chinese philosophy closely related to feng shui. According to the principles of the Bagua, the wealth position in your home can be found by placing Bagua diagrams (representing the eight trigrams) in each of the seven corners of your home. Then observe which corner's Bagua diagram aligns with the direction indicated by the compass pointer. This direction is your home's wealth position.

    1. Using the Five Elements to Find the Wealth Position

    The Five Elements, namely wood, fire, earth, metal, and water, have significant importance in feng shui due to their relationships of generation and restriction. According to the principles of the Five Elements, the wealth position in your home can be found by examining whether the furniture and decorations in the master bedroom comply with the rules of the Five Elements' generation cycle. For instance, placing metal items like copper mirrors or keys on bedside tables and green plants in wardrobes. Lastly, based on the principles of the Five Elements' restriction cycle, identify which directions are unfavorable for financial luck, as those are the areas to avoid for the wealth position in your home.

    1. Using the Nine Palaces Method to Find the Wealth Position

    The Nine Palaces method is a spatial layout planning technique that divides a plane into nine areas, each representing a direction. According to this method, you can find the wealth position in your home by first identifying the master bedroom and then observing whether the furniture and decorations in it align with the principles of the Nine Palaces. For example, if the bed head faces north and the bedside table is placed in the west. Lastly, based on the theory of the Nine Palaces, determine which directions are conducive to financial luck, as those are where the wealth position in your home lies.

    1. Using the Chinese Zodiac to Find the Wealth Position

    The Chinese Zodiac is an ancient time-keeping method that divides a year into twelve animal cycles. According to the principles of the Chinese Zodiac, you can find the wealth position in your home by first identifying the master bedroom and then observing whether the furniture and decorations in it align with the zodiac signs. For example, if the bed head faces the year of the Rat, place rat-shaped ornaments on the bedside table. Lastly, based on the sequence of the Chinese Zodiac, determine which directions are favorable for financial luck, as those are where the wealth position in your home lies.

    What to put in your money corner

    Since the wealth position in a home is significant, how can one place auspicious objects in that position to enhance financial luck? Different auspicious objects have different meanings, and you can choose the ones suitable for your home's feng shui situation.

    1. Fish Tank

    A fish tank is a common auspicious object in households. Fish have long been regarded as symbols of auspiciousness because their name sounds like "surplus year after year" in Chinese. However, it's essential to note that there are many rules and taboos regarding fish-keeping, and not everyone is suitable for keeping fish.

    1. Gold Ingots

    Gold ingots symbolize wealth. Placing a pair of gold ingots in the visible wealth position can greatly help the owner's career and wealth. However, it's important to note that the quantity of gold ingots should also be considered based on different feng shui situations.

    1. Pixiu

    Pixiu is a mythical creature believed to only eat but not excrete, thus regarded as a symbol of attracting wealth. Placing Pixiu in the visible wealth position can help attract wealth to the owner, but it's crucial to follow the prescribed method for offering Pixiu.

    1. Calligraphy and Paintings

    Calligraphy and paintings can also serve as auspicious objects for enhancing wealth. Hanging a painting with auspicious meanings can bring good luck to the owner. However, it's important to ensure that the content and style of the painting align with the owner's astrological elements and household feng shui.

    In addition to the above four auspicious objects, you can also place green plants or crystal balls in the visible wealth position to increase vitality and energy in your home. However, it's essential to ensure that the placement of these items complies with certain feng shui rules.

    More tips about your wealth position(money corner)

    • Illuminate Your Wealth Corner: Enhance the energy in your Money Corner with proper lighting.

    • Harmonize with Earthy Elements: Incorporate stability-inducing earthy decor into your Wealth Corner.

    • Reflect Abundance with Strategic Mirrors: Maximize wealth energy by placing mirrors thoughtfully in your Prosperity Area.

    • Attract Prosperity with Water Features: Consider installing a fountain to effortlessly attract wealth into your Feng Shui Money Corner.

    • Infuse Wealth Colors: Stimulate abundance energy by decorating your Prosperity Corner with hues of purple, red, or gold.

    • Nurture Growth with Greenery: Introduce plants like the money tree to encourage financial prosperity in your home.

    • Clear Negative Influences: Eliminate any items with unfavorable meanings to maintain positive energy flow in your Money Corner.

    • Promote Prosperity with Decluttering: Keep your Wealth Corner clutter-free to invite abundance and harmony into your life.

    • Ensure Functionality for Prosperity: Repair broken items in your Money Corner to boost abundance energy and promote financial success.



    In conclusion, there are many methods for finding the wealth position in a home, and the above are just some of them. In practical application, you can choose a suitable method based on your actual situation and needs. Moreover, it's important to note that while feng shui is helpful, it's not omnipotent. Improving family fortunes and financial luck requires one's own efforts and wisdom, along with maintaining positive interpersonal relationships and a healthy mindset. These factors also contribute to enhancing one's financial luck and overall fortune.

    Serenity Feng

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